Monday, November 9, 2009

20th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall & The Fall of Borders?

With today being the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall I thought it would be important to address the issue of borders. Living in a region where apartheid and occupation is still thriving, it is hard for me to celebrate Berlin’s freedom like the rest of the world. All of the media coverage on the event that took place 20 years ago makes it seem as if that was the end of all apartheid walls. Of course, this is complete rubbish as most of us know because today there are more walls and borders than ever before. The following images are photographs I gathered to show the constant use of apartheid walls in our world and only the last photograph was taken by me. Some of these barriers have fallen, some are still standing strong but it is common knowledge that eventually all walls, no matter how tall, will come crashing down.
Berlin Wall, Germany.
The wall that separates Ireland from English occupied N. Ireland
The 'security wall' cutting through the city of Baghdad, Iraq.
The border wall that separates America from Mexico.

The apartheid wall that surrounds the West Bank, occupied Palestine

1 comment:

  1. Walls, walls, and more walls
    Keep us from knowing ourselves
    Let's tear them all down

    Walls grow between us
    When can we harvest the walls?
    Bitter becomes sweet
